Friday, December 11, 2009


Football Association of Indonesia which was formed around 19 April 1930 in Yogyakarta. As a sports organization that was born in the Dutch colonial era, however PSSI births associated with political activities against the occupation. When researching and analyzing the moments before, during and after birth, until 5 years after the Declaration of Independence August 17, 1945, it was obvious that the PSSI was born, because the nation dibidani politicians either directly or indirectly, against colonialism with a strategy to sow the seeds - the seeds of nationalism chest Indonesian youth....PSSI was established by a civil engineer named Soeratin Sosrosoegondo. He completed his education at the Higher Technical School in Heckelenburg, Germany in 1927 and returned to their homeland in 1928. When he returned to the homeland Soeratin working on a Dutch building company "Sizten en Lausada" centered in Yogyakarta. There he is one - the only person who sat in Indonesia ranks of officers of the company's construction. However, driven by high nationalist spirit Soeratin back from the company.
After the stop of "Sizten en Lausada" he was more active in the movement, and as a young man who likes to play football, knowing full Soeratin to implement what was decided at a meeting of Indonesian youth October 28, 1928 (Youth Pledge) Soeratin see football as a The best vehicle to sow nationalism among the youth, as an act against the Dutch.
To implement the goals - it citanya, Soeratin meeting after meeting with the leaders - of football in Solo, Yogyakarta and Bandung. Meetings conducted by personal contact to avoid ambush Dutch Police (PID). Then when the meeting in a small hotel on Jalan Binnenhof Kramat 17, Jakarta with Soeri - chairman VIJ (Voetbalbond Indonesische Jakarta) along with other officials, the idea dimatangkanlah need to establish a national football organization, which then do well in the maturation of ideas in the city of Bandung, Yogyakarta and Solo are conducted by leaders of national movements such as Daslam Hadiwasito, Amir Notopratomo, A Hamid, Soekarno (Bung Karno's not), and others - others. While other cities do with personal contacts or courier as the Soediro in Magelang (Chairman of the Association of Young).
Then on April 19, 1930, gathered representatives - representatives from VIJ (Sjamsoedin - RHS student); representative Indonesische Bandoengsche Voetbal Bond (BIVB) Billy; Mataram Football Association (PSM) of Yogyakarta, Daslam Hadiwasito, A. Hamid, M. Amir Notopratomo; Vortenlandsche Voetbal Bond (VVB) Solo Sukarno; Madioensche Voetbal Bond (MVB), Kartodarmoedjo; Indonesische Magelang Voetbal Bond (IVBM) EA Mangindaan (then still a student HKS / School Teachers, also Captain Kes.IVBM) Soerabajashe Indonesische Voetbal Bond (SIVB) Pamoedji represented. From the meeting it was born PSSI (Sepakraga unity Seloeroeh Indonesia) name was changed in PSSI PSSI congress in 1950 to Solo All Indonesia Football Association are also set Ir. Soeratin as PSSI chairman.
PSSI Once formed, et al Soeratin immediately put together a program that essentially "against" the various measures taken by the Dutch government through NIVB. PSSI birth "stridij program" that is, programs such as the struggle carried out by the party and mass organizations that already exist. To each bonden / unions are required to conduct an internal competition for strata I and II, further increased the championship between the union called "Steden Tournooi" began in 1931 in Surakarta.
Activity-driven national football PSSI, then stirred susuhunan Pakubuwono X, after the fact more and more popular footballer in the street - the street or place - a place and at the square - square, where the competition I held the union. X Pakubuwono Sriwedari later founded the stadium complete with lights, as the appreciation of the resurrection "Football Nationality" PSSI driven. The stadium was inaugurated in October 1933. With this Sriwedari stadium football activities become more frequent.
Furthermore Soeratin also encourages the formation of national sports bodies, in order to exercise the power of the stronger against the indigenous Dutch domination. Stand in 1938 ISI (Indonesian Sport Association), which then held a Sports Week (15-22 October 1938) in Solo.
Because of the strength and unity that PSSI increases more and more NIVB finally in 1936 turned into NIVU (Nederlandsh Indische Voetbal Unie) and start the collaboration initiated with PSSI. In the early stages of the team brought NIVU Austria "Winner Sport Club" in 1936.
In 1938 on behalf of the Dutch East Indies, NIVU send his team into the World Cup in 1938, but the players are not coming from but from NIVU PSSI despite indigenous players 9 / Tionghoa. This is a Soeratin protests, because he wanted a match between the teams and PSSI NIVU advance in accordance with the agreement between them, the agreement called "Gentelemen's Agreement" signed by Soeratin (PSSI) and Masterbroek (NIVU) on January 5 1937 in Jogyakarta. In addition, Soeratin also does not want the flag is the flag used NIVU (Netherlands). PSSI congress 1938 in Solo, Soeratin unilaterally cancel the agreement is NIVU.
Soeratin ended his stint in England Spain since 1942, after a time became honorary chairman of the years 1940 to 1941, and was reelected in 1942.
M asuknya Japanese troops to Indonesia caused PSSI passive in competition, as Japan entered PSSI as part of the Tai Iku Kai, the Japanese-made sports body, then go all become part of the Gelora (1944) and autonomous re-emerging in the pore III congress in Yogyakarta (1949).
• Development of PSSI
Soeratin post this national soccer arena continues to grow despite the development of Indonesian football world is experiencing ups and downs in the quality of players, competition and organization. But the sport that can be accepted at all levels of society persists whatever the conditions. PSSI as a parent of the national football it's been trying to develop good national team, spent billions of dollars, although the results were less encouraging.
This is due to the wrong way. Transfer to raise achievement, not enough just to establish national team itself, but also two other important sectors of competition and the organization, while unwittingly national competition we have left behind.
And in an era before the 70s, many Indonesian players who can compete at international level call it the era Ramang and Tan Liong Houw, then the era and later Sucipto Suntoro Pattinasarani Ronny era.


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